Study Galatians with N.T. Wright

Ernol in Two Advanced Courses. Exclusive Podcast Listener Discount.

Paul’s letter to the Galatians ranks among the earliest writings we have from the movement that became Christianity. It therefore brings into sharp focus key issues of theological debate within the early Jesus movement, including how people in this community saw themselves.

Across two courses (totaling 40 lectures), Prof. Wright walks students through Paul’s argument to the Galatian church step by step, clarifying difficult translational matters, navigating the messy history of soteriology and interpretation since the Reformation. He then clears a path back to the original concerns of the time to help us see afresh what Paul considered the heart of the New Age.

Hurry, Discount Ends July 30!

Galatians Part 1 (1-3:19) — Only US$39.99

Renew your mind.

N.T. Wright Online helps Christians seeking a deeper experience of studying Scripture. Whether church leader, long-time layperson, or new believer, N.T. Wright Online wants you to ‘be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ (Romans 12.2). Learn from the world-renowned Prof. Wright by engaging a variety of resources, including more than 30 online coursescertifications of studyfree ebooks, and blog articles.

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