What is Spirituality? Why is it that, in our so-called “secular age”, desire for some kind of spiritual connection persists, yet few know just how to realise this desire? It is difficult to resist the cultural inertia which insists God is a long way off, unconcerned with and unnecessary for our flourishing. But as recent history shows, the whole-hearted faith in unerring Progress leaves us wanting.
In this free eBook, Prof. Wright unpacks the historical events and ways of thinking that led to this confusing situation, in which we are told God, if one exists, is distant and disinterested. What attempts have been made by secular thought to achieve some parodic replacement of Christian spiritual hope? And what ways of thinking might move us forward into robust spiritual options? Prof. Wright offers the flesh and blood Jesus as a compelling place to start.
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Learn more about Paul with these courses:
In Paul and His Letter to the Philippians, we’ll reflect on how to think and live in light of the death and resurrection of King Jesus. The powerful realities of ‘unity’ and ‘holiness’ are combined through the proper way to think about the work of God in Christ.
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In Paul and His Letter to the Colossians, Prof. Wright explores this small but powerful letter to highlight the supremacy of Christ, and then further describe how to live in the light of this glorious truth.
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Paul and His Letter to the Ephesians digs deep into Paul’s explanation that, through the Messiah, God has brought together one new humanity that will lead to a different way of thinking, speaking, and living.
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Paul and His Letter to the Galatians takes you through an in-depth understanding of one of the New Testament’s most foundational writings, with the hope of helping you become transformed by the renewing of the mind.
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About N. T. Wright
Prof. N.T. (Tom) Wright is Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University. He is one of the world’s leading Bible scholars, with expertise in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, the New Testament, and Biblical Studies. He is also Emeritus Professor at the University of St. Andrews and the former Bishop of Durham. His has published over 85 books including: The Case for the Psalms; How God Became King; Simply Jesus; After You Believe; Surprised by Hope; Simply Christian; The New Testament and the People of God; Jesus and the Victory of God; The Resurrection of the Son of God; and most recently, Paul and the Faithfulness of God. He is co-founder of N.T. Wright Online which features over 40 online courses.
N.T. Wright Online is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Center for Christian Studies and Professor N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University, Scotland. Together, we’ve developed a series of video courses hosted by N.T. Wright that explore the wisdom contained in New Testament scripture, and how to apply that wisdom to your everyday life. For more information, visit us at ntwrightonline.org.